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NextGen Bar Exam: Contract Law

Next Gen Bar Exam LibGuide


Suggested Journals:

Articles pertaining to Contract Law are infused in many different journals and law reviews. Depending on the research needed, you may refine your search by looking for the exact topic that you need using one of the library databases, such as Westlaw or Lexis.

However, an excellent source to find academic periodicals relating to a plethora of topics under Contracts can be found in the library's Discovery section. This can be found on the library's main page near the bottom. You may have to refine your search to get to the articles you need.

Each journal volume has specific contents that you will need to search through to see if they have the topic you are interested in researching. Some journals even have special issues that deal with specific themes. When it comes to Contract Law, there are only a few journals that deal extensively with the subject by itself, but most legal journals and law reviews have issues and individual articles that deal with a plethora of contract law issues.

The following are examples of a few journals that exclusively cover Contract Law.

  • Commercial Law Journal published by the Commercial Law League of America; this journal is all about Contracts Law and all subject matter related to the topic. It can be found in the library's electronic database.
  • The Public Contract Law Journal, published by the American Bar Association (ABA); this journal is dedicated exclusively, yet broadly, to public contract and grant law and related areas of practice. A focal point for the examining of law issues confronting the judiciary, administrative tribunals, and the bar. The Public Contract Law Journal presents editorial coverage that mirrors the interest of the ABA membership and seeks to solicit and present a multiplicity of views from its members.
  • The Yale Law Journal Contracts features an extensive archive of all subject matters relating to contract law. They feature one special topic relating to contracts during publication; however, their online database stores many articles dealing with everything related to contracts and the law.