Westlaw Precision provides access to primary and secondary materials from the Federal and State levels of government.
Useful tools on Westlaw:
See Westlaw's Practice areas:
Use the Practice Area tab on Westlaw to access the Commercial Law materials. After selecting Practice Area, choose Commercial Law. This will bring you to a page with Content-Type. You'll find Secondary Sources, such as journal articles and treatises, trial court documents, expert materials, forms, proposed, enacted, and adopted legislation and regulation, and criminal justice news, among many other items.
Looking for something more specific? Refine your search through an "advanced search" located at the top of Westlaw's Precision tool.
Lexis+ provides access to primary and secondary materials from the Federal and State levels of government.
Useful tools on Lexis+:
Use the Practice Area tab on Lexis to access Contracts Law. (This page also contains Commercial Law (UCC). Choose the appropriate topic needed.). You'll find cases, statutes & legislation, administrative materials & regulations, case-related materials, secondary materials, forms, and news & reference.
Click Contracts Law--Browse Topics on the right to refine your search for specialized topics.
Looking for something more specific? Go to the top of the page and look for Advanced Search. Follow prompts to help focus your search.
In addition to providing access to state and federal sources of law, this database also provides access to a large variety of forms.
Useful tools on Bloomberg:
Looking for something more specific? Go to the search bar at the top and change the search by the pull-down menu to "all content" and type your specific inquiry into the search bar or hover over the pull-down menu on each of the main topics listed to find what you are looking for.
Excellent source for the full text of numerous law journals, international sources, federal primary source material, and other specialized research topics.
Useful tools on HeinOnline:
PLI PLUS is an online library and research platform providing practice-focused expert analysis for attorneys and legal professionals.
After going to the PLI Plus page, use the Browse pull pull-down at the top of the page. Choose Practice Area. Then choose Commercial Law. Under this choice, you can then narrow down your search by refining the topic you are looking for and the source you need.