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Copy of Legislation and Interpretation Study Aids

This guide is principally designed to provide you with access to print and electronic resources that will aid you in your understanding of congressional publications, statutory interpretation and federal legislative history.

What is statutory interpretation? What can we find and where?

The rules of statutory interpretation govern how judges, lawyers and other members of the legal community should read the language of the laws. Statutory interpretation refers to the process of trying to understand and explain the meaning of a statute. The study aids below outline the legislative process by providing an in-depth discussion of the drafting, anatomy, and publication of a statute. 


Statutory Interpretation

This CALI Lesson introduces the student to the doctrine and processes involved in interpreting state and federal statutes. 

Federal Legislative History 

This CALI lesson will teach you how to read information from legislative history, the next step after gathering the materials. Additionally, this lesson will help you find just the intent behind specific language of a law or statute.

Print Study Aids