Miller W. Shealy, Jr.
Professor of Law
U.S. Supreme Court Review: 2017-2018, 30 S.C. Law. 18 (2018). Available at [Hein].
Steady as She Goes: The 2016-17 Term of the US Supreme Court, 29 S.C. Law. 31 (2017). Available at
Eight Is [Not] Enough: A Review of the 2015-2016 U.S. Supreme Court Term, 28 S.C. Law. 18 (2016). Available at [Hein].
Lucky 13: A Review of the U.S. Supreme Court Term: 2014-15, 27 S.C. Law. 38 (2015). Available at [Hein].
The Hunting of Man: Lies, Damn Lies, and Police Interrogations, 4 U. Miami Race & Soc. Just. L. Rev. 21 (2014). Available at
U.S. Supreme Court Review 2013-2014 Term, 26 S.C. Law. 37 (2014). Available at [Hein].
All in the Family, Almost - A Review of the 2012-2013 U.S. Supreme Court Term, 25 S.C. Law. 39 (2013). Available at [Hein].
A Reasonable Doubt about Reasonable Doubt, 65 Okla. L. Rev. 225 (2013). Available at
Lost in D.C., Concerning Passage of the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty, Committee News, Admiralty and Maritime Law Committee, ABA Trial and Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) (2021). Available at
Supreme Prescriptions America, Take Your Medicine - A Review of the 2011-12 U.S. Supreme Court Term, 24 S.C. Law. 23 (2012). Available at [Hein].
Baker's Dozen: U.S. Supreme Court Review 2010-11, The, 23 S.C. Law. 34 (2011). Available at [Hein].
Best of the Supremes - A Review of the U.S. Supreme Court Term, 2009-2010, 22 S.C. Law. 24 (2010). Available at [Hein].
Sixth Annual Criminal Law Update, Judicial Continuing Legal Education (1991).
Eighth Annual Criminal Law Update, Judicial Continuing Legal Education (1993).
1991 Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Bar, Young Lawyers Division (1991).
South Carolina Crimes: Elements and Defenses (with Margaret M. Lawton & Kimberly Phillips), Columbia, SC: South Carolina Bar, 2d ed. 2022. (Forthcoming supplement, 2024).
Criminal Procedure for South Carolina Practitioners, (with Margaret M. Lawton & Kimberly Phillips), Columbia, SC: South Carolina Bar, (originally published 2011, Supp. 2012-2014). (Forthcoming revision 2025).
Computer and Intellectual Property Crimes, (with Matthew R. Hubbell & E. Bart Daniel), Columbia, SC: South Carolina Bar 2003.
Conferences & Presentations
Feb. 2023. Presenter. South Carolina Gun Law. Steve Shaw, Author - S.C. Gun Law, CLE at CSOL.
Feb. 2024. Presenter. South Carolina Gun Law. Steve Shaw, Author - S.C. Gun Law, CLE at CSOL.
June 12, 2009. Presenter. What's New and What's Old in Criminal Law in South Carolina. South Carolina Bar Continuing Legal Education Division.
Online editor, Pattern Jury Instructions for Federal Criminal Cases for the District of South Carolina. 2024 online edition includes all updates thru February 1, 2024. Available at