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Charleston School of Law Juris Doctor Program Catalog and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Academic Catalog and Handbook

Applying For Accommodations

To apply for accommodations for a disability a student should first complete the Registration Form, using their law school account. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, or his or her designee, will contact the student to arrange a time to discuss the request and to review appropriate documentation. The Associate Dean may request additional documentation before making a decision. 

Once a determination has been made, the student will be notified and, if accommodations have been approved, the student will also be notified of the accommodations to be provided.

  • If a student is dissatisfied with the Associate Dean’s decision on accommodations, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean of Students.

Documentation Requirements

Because accommodation determinations are made on a case-by-case basis, the type and quantity of documentation necessary for each student may vary.  However, any documentation:  

  • Must be typed on the medical professional’s letterhead which should reflect the qualified and licensed professional’s credentials,
  • Must be signed and dated,
  • Must contain a diagnostic statement identifying the disability, including the diagnostic methodology used to determine the diagnosis,
  • Must detail the existing diagnosis and current functional limitations of the diagnosed condition,
  • Must describe the expected progression or stability of the disability,
  • Must describe current and past accommodations, services, and medications, if relevant, and
  • Must recommend academic or other accommodation.
    • Please note: While the school is not required to provide or adopt recommendations made by outside entities, specific recommendations with an explanation of the rationale for such recommendations as related to the specific functional impact, especially regarding academic performance is preferred.


Students should contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs if they have any questions about documentation requirements.