The following are found in the Bar Review materials, kept across from the Reference Desk in the Library. For a complete listing of available resources, consult A Selected Bibliography of Bar Examination Study Materials.
Professional Responsibility Flash Cards
Flash Cards KF306 .E47 2010
Strategies and Tactics for the MPRE: Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam
Bar Review KF306 .R87 2009
Uniform Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE)
Bar Review KF306 .M85
The MPRE is an ethics exam. It is administered separately from the South Carolina Bar Exam and on different dates. It is two hours long and is comprised of 60 questions.
Questions on the MPRE are multiple choice. Each question consists of a fact pattern, a specific question and four possible answer choices. Scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly, so answer every question.
The 2016 MPRE will be given on March 9, August 13, and November 5. Registration for those test dates will open January 28. Remember, if you register after the regular registration deadline and before the late registration deadline, the cost of registration jumps from $84 to $168. For more information, including registration deadlines, see Registration Information on the MPRE website.
The MPRE tests knowledge and understanding of established standards relating to a lawyer's professional conduct; it does not test the applicant's personal ethics.
The MPRE tests the disciplinary rules of professional conduct as laid out in the ABA's Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the ABA's Model Code of Judicial Conduct. Outside the disciplinary context, questions concerning the generally accepted rules, principles, and common law regulating the legal profession will be governed by the view given in a majority of cases, statutes, or regulations on the subject.
Sample Questions are provided.
Each state bar establishes its own passing score. The passing score in South Carolina is 77.