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Lisa Smith-Butler

Faculty publications of Lisa Smith-Butler


Lisa Smith-Butler

Associate Professor of Law

All Publications


The Upper-Level Writing Paper and the Law Review Article: How to Tell Your Story, 51 CAP. U. L. REV. 205 (2023).

"Protecting the Superfluous..To Preserve the Necessary": Whose Is the Power? The Case of the Cursing Cheerleader: Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., 27 BARRY L. REV. 1 (2022).

Walking the Regulatory Tightrope: Balancing Bullies' Free Speech Rights against the Rights of Victims to Be Let Alone When Regulating Off Campus K-12 Student Cyber-Speech, 37 NOVA L. REV. 243 (2013).

Questions, Questions.. Are You Offering What Your Patrons Want? And Are They Aware of It?, 15 AALL Spectrum 6 (2011).

Public Relations: Questions, Questions...Are You Offering Your Patrons What They Want? And Are They Aware of It?, 15 AALL Spectrum 9 (2011).

Overcoming Your Aversion to the "M" Word: Marketing Your Library Effectively to Patrons, 14 AALL Spectrum 7 (2010).

Workplace Privacy: We'll be Watching You, 35 OHIO N.U. L. REV. 53 (2009).

Cost Effective Legal Research Redux: How to Avoid Becoming the Accidental Tourist, Lost in Cyberspace, 9 FLA. COASTAL L. REV. 293 (2008).

Podcasting, Vodcasting, and Law Libraries: How to Understand the Newest "it" Technology and Use It in Your Library, 10 AALL Spectrum 8 (2006).

Cost Effective Legal Research, 18 LEGAL REFERENCE SERVICES Q. 61 (2000).

Locating Business Information, 16 LEGAL REFERENCE SERVICES Q. 57 (1998).

What's the Scoop? Locating Business Information, in Cost Effective Legal Research, Ga. Inst. of Continuing Legal Educ. (1997).

Worker's Compensation: Upholding the Compensation Principle, 16 CREIGHTON L. REV. 419 (1982).

Memorial, Nancy P. Johnson (1949-2014), 107 LAW LIBR. J. 153 (Winter 2015).


Law Librarianship in the 21st Century (with eds. Roy Balleste & Sonia Luna-Lamas), Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. Second edition 2014.



Feb. 2023. Presenter. On the Road Again: Exploring and Rediscovering South Carolina's Legal Ethics. Chicago Title Insurance, Columbia, SC, CLE. 

Feb. 2023. Presenter. Legal Research Secrets and Shortcuts. National Business Institute, CLE. 

Oct. 2023. Presenter. Google & ChatGPT, ChatGPT & Writing, Legal Resources. MyLaw CLE.

Dec. 2023. Presenter. Online Legal Research Secrets and Websites Every Attorney Should Know. National Business Institute, CLE.

Aug. 12, 2022. Presenter. Legal Research: Google Based Legal Research for Attorneys: Is Everything There?, myLawCLE.

Aug. 12, 2022. Presenter. Research Strategies: Finding It Fast and Free, myLawCLE.

July 2012. Moderator and Discussant. Deans/Library Directors and $$$---How to do it All with Less, SEALS.

July 2012. Moderator. Perspectives on Library Leadership, SEALS.

Mar. 2012. Presenter. Does Your Building Reflect Your Law School?, Bricks Bytes & Continuous Renovation. 

Mar. 2012. Presenter. Throw it Out or Store it? The Digital Future and Bound Collections, SEAALL. 

2012. Moderator. Accessing the Effectiveness of Legal Research Instruction: Are Our Students Learning What We Teach?, AALS. 

Apr. 2011. Presenter. Assessing the Effectiveness of Legal Research and Writing Instruction: Are Our Students Learning What We Teach? Legal Research Skills: Integrating Research & Writing, SEALL Institute. 

Aug. 2010. Presenter. Attorney's Guide to Legal Research Strategies On and Offline, National Business Institute. 

July 2010. Presenter. Law School as a Consumer Product: Beat 'Em or Join 'Em?, Southeastern Association of Law Schools.

July 2008. Presenter. Marketing Your Library: Exploring New Technologies to Create Evolving Newsletters that Energize Your Patrons, AALL. 

Mar. 2008. Presenter. Future of Academic Law Libraries. SEAALL/LLSDC.

Nov. 2007. Presenter. Workplace Privacy: We'll Be Watching You, Stetson University Junior Faculty Forum. 

July 2006. Presenter. Blogs: Technology Ethics and Trends, AALL. 

June 2006. Presenter. Laptops in the Classroom, CALI. 

June 2005. Presenter. Case Management Software, CALI. 

June 2004. Presenter. Making Technology Work for You, LSAC. 

July 2003. Presenter. Future of Academic Law Libraries, SEALS. 

July 2003. Presenter. Negotiating with Vendors: Electronic Licensing, AALL. 

June 2003. Presenter. Virtual Reference Desk, CALI. 

May 2003. Presenter. Effective Legal Research for the Florida Legal Professional, Lorman Education Center/Florida CLE. 

July 2002. Presenter. Connecting with Legal Publishers, AALL. 

Mar. 1998. Presenter. Jump Start Your Summer Clerkship, SEAALL.

Apr. 25, 1997. Presenter. Locating Business Information, Institute of Continuing Legal Education. 



"5 Tips for Teaching Online in the Midst of a Pandemic," AALS Section on New Law Professors Newsletter (2020).



Law Schools as a Consumer Product: Beat 'Em or Join 'Em?, Southeastern Association of Law Schools (2010).