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Margaret M. Lawton

Faculty Publications of Margaret M. Lawton


Margaret M. Lawton

Vice Dean, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, & Professor of Law


State Responses to the Whren Decision, 66 Case W. Rsrv. L. Rev. 1039 (2016). 

Warrantless Searches And Smartphones: Privacy in the Palm of Your Hand?, 16 UDC/DCSL L. Rev. 89 (2012). 

The Road to Whren and Beyond: Does the "Would Have" Test Work?, 57 DePaul L. Rev. 917 (2008). 



The Criminal Law of South Carolina, (with Kimberly Phillips), Columbia, SC: South Carolina Bar, forthcoming 7th edition, 2026.

South Carolina Crimes: Elements and Defenses  (with Miller W. Shealy, Jr. & Kimberly Phillips), Columbia, SC: South Carolina Bar, 2d ed. 2022. (Forthcoming supplement, 2024).

Criminal Procedure for South Carolina Practitioners, (with Miller W. Shealy, Jr. & Kimberly Phillips), Columbia, SC: South Carolina Bar, (originally published 2011, Supp. 2012-2014). (Forthcoming revision 2025). 


Contributions to Books

Automobile Searches; Florida v. Royer; Illinois v. Perkins; Massiah v. United States; Open Fields; Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel,  in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES (Paul Finkelman, ed.) (2006). 


Conferences & Presentations

Participant. Statewide Strategic Convening of Public Interest Organizations, South Carolina Access to Justice Commission. 

Feb. 2017. Moderator. Immigrants and Criminal Law: What Can We Expect Under a Trump Administration. Ninth Annual Law & Society Symposium: "The Uncertain Future of U.S. Immigration Policy," Charleston School of Law. 

Oct. 2015. Panelist. Alternative Routes, New Solutions, and New Definitions of the Problem. Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Law Conference: "Whren at Twenty: Systemic Racial Bias and the Criminal Justice System.

Aug. 2012. Panelist. Cyber-Crime - The Expanding Use of Digital Evidence in Criminal Cases. Southeaster Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting. 

Mar. 2012. Presenter. Smartphones and the Fourth Amendment: Privacy in the Palm of Your Hands? University of the District of Columbia David Clarke School of Law. 

Jan 2012. Lecturer. Interrogation and Confessions. Police Academy Pre-Legal.

Oct. 2011. Moderator. Southeastern Law Scholars Conference. Southeastern Law Scholars Conference. 

Feb. 25, 2011. Presenter. The Law Governing the Admissibility of a Defendant's Statements. 20th Annual Criminal Practice in South Carolina CLE. 

Feb. 2011. Presenter. South Carolina Criminal Procedure. South Carolina Bar Continuing Legal Education Division. 

Aug. 2010. Panelist. Roundtable Discussion on Grand Jury Reform: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (Again)? Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting. 

Feb. 2010. Moderator. Professional Responsibility and the Case for Actual Innocence. Crime and Punishment 2nd Annual Law & Society Symposium. 

Nov. 2009. Presenter. Courtroom Testimony for Law Enforcement Officers. The Charleston County Sheriff's Office and the Charleston School of Law. 

Aug. 2009. Moderator. Modes of Discretion in the Criminal Justice System. Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting. 

June 12, 2009. Presenter. What's New and What's Old in Criminal Law in South Carolina. South Carolina Bar Continuing Legal Education Division. 

Aug. 2008. Moderator. New Scholar Workshop on Family Law. Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting. 

2008. Guest Lecturer. Criminal Law and Procedure. MUSC Forensic Psychology Department Fellows Program. 

2007. Guest Lecturer. Criminal Law and Procedure. MUSC Forensic Psychology Department Fellows Program.

2007. Presenter. Criminal Law and Procedure. Charleston [SC] Association of Legal Assistants Fall Educational Seminars. 

July 2006. Panelist. My Top Ten Tips for Effective Criminal Practice. South Carolina Bar Continuing Legal Education Division/Federal Criminal Law Update. 

2006. Guest Lecturer. Criminal Law and Procedure. MUSC Forensic Psychology Department Fellows Program.

2006. Presenter. Criminal Law and Procedure. Charleston [SC] Association of Legal Assistants Fall Educational Seminars. 




Appellant Brief, United States v. Smith, 321 Fed.Appx. 229 (4th Cir. 2008). 


Citing: State Responses to the Whren Decision, 66 Case W. Rsrv. L. Rev. 1039 (2016). 

State v. Coleman, 890 N.W.2d 284 (Iowa 2017).

United States v. Weaver, 9 F.4th 129 (2d Cir. 2021).

Snyder v. State, No. 1127 September Term, 2021 (Md: Appellate Court Feb. 3, 2023).


Citing: Warrantless Searches And Smartphones: Privacy in the Palm of Your Hand?, 16 UDC/DCSL L. Rev. 89 (2012). 

US v. Mayo, No. 2: 13-CR-48 (D. Vt. Nov. 6, 2013).


Citing: The Road to Whren and Beyond: Does the "Would Have" Test Work?, 57 DePaul L. Rev. 917 (2008). 

State v. Brown, 930 N.W.2d 840 (Iowa 2019).

Commonwealth v. Long, 485 Mass. 711, 152 N.E.3d 725 (2020).

White v. State, 76 So. 3d 335 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2011).

Snyder v. State, No. 1127 September Term, 2021 (Md: Appellate Court Feb. 3, 2023).