Fully revised with new material on every page, the 12th edition of Black's Law Dictionary is the most practical, comprehensive, scholarly, and authoritative law dictionary ever published-and the most frequently cited legal reference in the world. With clarity and rigor, it defines more than 70,000 law-related words and phrases, recording both their historical and present-day nuances.
Full text of numerous law journals from their initial publication; the American Law Institute Library; Canada Supreme Court Reports; the Code of Federal Regulations; Congress and the Courts; Early American Case Law; English Reports from 1220-1867; European Center for Minority Issues; Federal Register Library; Foreign & International Law Resources Database; Foreign Relations of the United States; Harvard Research in International Law; Legal Classics; Manual of Patent Examining Procedure; National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; National Moot Court Competition; the Pentagon Papers; Philip C. Jessup Library; Revised Statutes of Canada; Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law; Sessions Laws Library; State Statutes: A Historical Archive; Subject Compilations of State Laws (1960-2009); Taxation & Economic Reform in America: A Historical Archive (1781-2009); Treaties and Agreements Library; United Nations Law Collection; United States Code; U.S. Attorney General Opinions; U.S. Congressional Documents; U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions and Appeals; U.S. Federal Legislative History Library; U.S. Presidential Library; U.S. Statutes at Large; U.S. Supreme Court Library; Women and the Law; and World Trials Library.
LexisNexis is a provider of legal research tools and resources tailored specifically for law schools, offering an extensive range of services designed to support students, faculty, and legal professionals. As a leader in legal technology, LexisNexis provides access to an unparalleled collection of legal content, including case law, statutes, secondary sources, and legal news.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is the definitive authority on the English language, providing comprehensive and unparalleled coverage of English words and their meanings. As a historical dictionary, the OED traces the evolution of the language over more than a thousand years, offering insights into the origins and development of English words and phrases from their earliest recorded use to the present day.
Westlaw Precision provides access to primary and secondary materials from the Federal and State levels of government.